What is Religion? And is it Biblical?

Religion- The practice of one's faith.

Yes Religion is biblical see James 1:27.

But are there instances when religion becomes personal preferences yes and is this wrong when it takes place Yes.

        Example 1: Kjv onlyism

        Why is this a personal preference

        1. statement- New versions take out verses.- False

        why is this statement false. Every version of the bible except for some weird one's such as the niv and gnv. Uses these things called manuscripts. Manuscripts are Hebrew and Greek copies of the originals. Now the manuscripts used for the kjv are called the textusreceptus manuscripts used for versions such as the esv and asv and rsv use the alexanderian manuscripts. These manuscripts are OLDER than the textus receptus therefor it is impossible to say that people took things out of the alexanderian when in reality the textus receptus added these things. Now many independent baptists hold to scofield as an amazing scholar well if you have a scofield bible check this out go to 1 John 5:7 and look at his footnote. Scofield says and i quote" It is commonly agreed that this verse has no real authority and was most likely inserted. I rest my case. esv and other new versions don't take out these verses the older manuscripts simply don't contain them. And p.s no one and i mean no one has ever published a version of the bible up until this point from another version already in English.

          example number two.

          dressing up for church makes you more spiritual or ready to worship Jesus.

          where is this in scripture Um nowhere .

          example number three.

           contemporary music is bad because it makes you wanna dance. check this out Exodus 15:20 miriam was dancing to celebrate the victory of God's power. now in the bible dancing is mention in context as bad and in context as good bottom line is you can find verses were people dance with the timbrel and brass for The lord.

also you can find places were women dance in inappropriate manner for Herod. here is the bottom line if the music or dance makes you lust or want to do something sinful it is wicked. If it doesn't have bad lirics and has a beat is it wrong NO it is not wrong at all. so contemporary christian music check. secular music 95% of the time it's bad. so now that you know this and i have shown you it's ok and dancing is biblical  in the right way. be happy